For about the last 25 years of public school teaching, out of 36 total years of service, I had morning eye gunk issues. I’d get up in the mornings and go to the bathroom and wash my eyes with warm water and soap. This helped a little but not much. I’d use different types of eye drops trying to get what I felt was small amounts of mucous out of my eyes so that I could see clearly. It usually did not clear up until 11:00 a.m. or noon!
Jump ahead a few years when we moved to Texas and I started going to a wonderful new eye doctor (Dr. Mixon) and I told him about this issue. He told me that men have more morning eye issues than you ladies and he gave me the wonderful solution! “When you leave today, purchase a bottle of the OCuSoft Lid Scrub. Get two washrags: heat one with warm/hot water and put about 2-3 squirts of the Lids scrub on it, one for each eye. Close your eyes and rub it onto the outside of your closed eyelids. Take the other cloth and wash off the scrub. Do it twice and I think that will take care of your problem!”
He was correct! It was wonderful! I could see clearly from very early in the morning to late at night and had no more issues!
However, I did have to modify my procedure – which you will too. We are all different and what works for one of us may not work for you. After clearing my eyes twice with the Lids Scrub, I cleaned off both of my wash cloths and wrung out about 1/2 the water. I take them to the microwave, put them on a small plate and heat them up to hot. I get my coffee and go to my favorite morning TV/news chair, sit down, eat a breakfast bar plus a little protein and wait a few minutes for them to cool. Then I put one of the folded cloths over my eyes. The hot cloth draws-out more of the gunk. I then use the second cloth to do the same. Then I use two types of eye drops to further clean out my eyes…and then I am really ready to see clearly for the rest of the day!
My wife and kids are used to my morning routine and think its kind of funny…but I’ve always followed the road less traveled (thanks Mrs. Courtney!)! Being weird has its advantages…like being able to see clearly and not having to constantly rub gunk out of my eyes! Hope this helps some of you to see our world more clearly!
Oh…and I usually purchase my OCuSoft Lid Scrub through WalMart 10 or 12 at a time. It is a staple for me.