As I’ve gotten older (67 as of this writing), the old joints are not what they used to be-duh! So we all want to find that fountain of youth that will help us…and honestly, I just want to get up in the mornings and NOT feel pain! I get it; I’ve worked hard to destroy my joints over all these years. Baseball and football in junior high and high school, college baseball, martial arts the past 48 years, back surgery, knee dislocations, ACL surgery, shoulder and finger dislocations. But as a ‘boomer’ I plan on keeping on…until the day the good Lord calls me home.

So I started to do my research and found that I would try CBD without the THC. I’m old school and don’t need to “pot out” to get high.
If I need to get high I’ll jump out of a plane (to date: 57 times!). But I do…feel the need lately – bad!
There are many company’s out there that you can try and I don’t advocate any one of them over the other; just find one that works for you.
I use this roll on a lot at night. I roll it on and then rub it into the area that needs help! After about 45 seconds it has a cooling effect that helps me relax and fall asleep.

Another product that I’ve been using now for about six months is LubriSyn/HA. It is a Hyaluronic Acid Joint Supplement. I take two teaspoons in my protein shake and two teaspoons in my red/green vegetable drink every day. I also give it to my dogs for their joints. Found it at Tractor Supply of all places originally…for horses! I purchase mine in bottles of 3 on Amazon now days. Kind of expensive ($89 for three), but if it helps me fight the pain and keep it to a minimum, I’m all in! I like the “original” flavor the best…which is no flavor! Can’t really taste anything so you could add it to any drink you like.

The third and last supplement that I take for joint pain is the ‘tincture’ CBD oil. Again-no THC but seems to help. One squirt under the tongue before bedtime, hold it for about one minute, then swallow the rest. No real taste and is pretty bland.