Alzheimer’s & Parkinsons Information

There are over 400 chapters or clubs of Rock Steady Boxing in the USA since 2005! Find one!

Parkinsons Disease

One of life’s little known secrets is Rock Steady Boxing! It was started up north in Indianapolis, Indiana back a few short years ago and has since grown larger than an Indiana summer tomato! Its’ purpose: to help slow down Parkinsons Disease.

Does it work? Oh yeah! What do you do? You float like a butterfly and sting like a bee – and work your arse off as hard as you can during each and every workout.

Participants get cleared by their doctor so they can work out with the group. It was founded in 2005 by Scott Newman, who was only 40 at the time and was a county Prosecutor at the height of his career. The doctor told him to get his affairs in order…that was 20 years ago; that doctor according to Newman is long dead and he is still boxing and enjoying his life!

Participants do high impact exercises at a brisk rate of speed all the while working on their balance, cognition, voice activation, mental focus, breathing, core activation, fine motor skills, muscle rigidity, reflexes, swallowing, gait issues/walking/skipping and stamina! They even sometimes work on what is called controlled falling: learning how to fall forward or backward without hurting themselves – wow!

Participants find that after doing their workouts for 3 to 9 months they have an enhanced higher quality of life and many of them improve! Things that they struggled with before actually become easier again: such as carrying groceries, buttoning clothes or picking up a grandchild. The tremors associated with the disease slow down and are not as frequent, speech can become better along with a person’s balance!

Other individuals find that their walking gate and stride actually gets better and they can walk faster. Another advantage to the hard workouts – better endurance for everyday living. The program is safe too.

The whole purpose to the program is to give participants a higher quality of life and be able to live at a higher level of function

Rock Steady Boxing founder Scott Newman.

If you or a loved one would like more information about this truly outstanding program that is helping people live a more joyful and hopeful life go to:

The LSVT Loud Program… helps people with Parkinsons with their speech.

Here is the link to the LSVT Loud program – hope this can help someone: